You can easily look up information genealogy, the history of the beef product you have ordered through the 10-digit system, which you can get from the butcher shop or restaurant.
This system helps you to confirm it is true that cow beef cow Tajima Kobe or right.
This tracking system helps ensure that you are enjoying true Kobe beef and Tajima beef with safety and reliability.

Mark Approval

- 但馬牛として認定された枝肉には、4つの部位に上記の但馬牛を証する判が押印され、1頭ごと『兵庫県産(但馬牛)証明書』が交付されます。
- Each cow was slaughtered and cleaned this will be stamped on the body 4 places. "Confirmation Tajima beef produced in Hyogo Prefecture" will be issued for each individual.

- 神戸ビーフとして認定された枝肉には、の4つの部位に上記の神戸ビーフを証する判が押印され、1頭ごと『神戸肉之証』が交付されます。
- Each cow was slaughtered and cleaned this will be stamped on the body 4 places. "Confirmation authentic Kobe beef" will be issued for each individual.


Kobe Beef Certification System A1-A5